
A visit to the Cultural Studies Faculty (Fakultas Ilmu Budaya) on March 13. Thanks for reaching out to have me come to talk to you. In this faculty they teach English literature, Indonesian literature, and ethnomusicology. We talked about active and engaged classrooms and about US Academic culture.
My last official meeting with undergraduate students. Fourth semester students came to learn and share about language teaching strategies on March 12. I have since run into some of the undergraduates when they have been here for classes. All students here are very kind and eager to chat, even though they maybe a bit shy at first.
More undergraduate students on March 11. This time for a workshop on language assessment. These 6th semester students have one more year of study left, including their mini-thesis. I continue to be impressed with the level of engagement and the tough questions students here ask (both undergraduate and graduate). Pictured at the top are the Three Graces: Yuni, Wati, and Desy, all lecturers in the English program at Pahlawan (and Gunung Kelua). They were instrumental in bringing the undergraduates to campus for their workshops. Great colleagues and new friends!!
On Saturday morning there's a big turnout at SMK 4 for the MGMP Bahasa Ingriss SMK (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran--a teachers' association) meeting. We talked about how to get students active and encourage them to use English in the high school classroom. SMK is vocational high school, and many students may wind up in working in fields where spoken English is required. These teachers are eager to help them gain the proficiency they need. Thanks to the organizers, especially Pak Anam, and all the attendees.
General lecture open to all college faculty on March 8. Here I am with some of them. Note the "freestylin'!" in the second photo :-)
Kampus Pahlawan, March 6. I traveled to the undergraduate campus to talk to lecturer colleagues about teaching pronunciation. Exciting to hear about their strategies and adaptations for learners with varying proficiency and motivation levels.